Bigger, Brighter Future Ahead of OOH

There is no denying that these are difficult times and no one has been spared from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Hard times do not last forever, economies, businesses and all of us will recover from the setbacks. And when we do, Out-of-Home Advertising is going to be stronger than ever. Here’s why:

People Want to Be Outside and Move Around

After all the lockdowns and quarantines, time spent outside is going to go way up.

The current situation wherein most people are encouraged to stay at home or work from home has increased our cabin fever, while outdoor activities are allowed but limited, fear of getting infected by the virus still remains high which keeps us restrained from fully going out.

When this is all over or when we can finally say the worst is already behind us, people are going to be outside all the time. A new appreciation of being outside and the freedom to roam again, increasing traffic volume and jump start vacation trips as people catch up on living normally again.

Parks, malls, and stadiums filled to capacity with more activities that will attract crowds wanting to revel in the simplest pleasure of being outside and spend time and socialize with family and friends.

And all those places and activities will have ample opportunities for advertising, which will be necessary when this outbreak ends. Businesses will want to bounce back and regain lost opportunities and sales, demand for advertising will peak with billboard spaces, banners, transit ads and more filled to attract potential customers. The last thing people will want to do is to stay inside and watch more TV or be on their phones.

Need for Outdoor Advertising Will Vary

Outdoor advertising resurgence will be led by several key categories eager to connect with consumers after so long away.

Some are categories that will see a direct boost from the virus scare- medical manufacturers, health and wellness segments as well as pandemic necessities like food and nutrition, hygiene care products and many more.

Past economic downturns have seen financial and educational institutions, media and entertainment industries usage of outdoor advertising to jumpstart their recovery and succeeded in doing so.

Businesses become more aggressive with advertising, when you lose money, you have to invest money to start making it again. Big losers that look to bounce back are the restaurant industry, airline and travel including hotels, casinos, amusement parks as well as the retail industry with shopping in actual stores in malls.

This pandemic has taught us so many valuable business lessons and it’s not what you lose but how you gain it back that matters most. Outdoor advertising will definitely be a key factor in helping businesses get back on their feet one way or another.

Steel Art Billboards remains the go to partner for nationwide outdoor advertising campaigns like billboards and lamp post banners. With business rebuilding in mind, discounts and bundle deals have been created to help companies boost their advertising stock which could help drive consumer awareness and consumer traffic.

Visit or call 0917 3000 840 for nationwide billboards and other OOH platforms to help you amplify your business reach.

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